Sunday, July 09, 2006

World Cup Finals France vs Italy

So with World Cup 2006 about to end and the final game between France and Italy only a few hours away, I thought I'd come on and post one of my last thoughts on the games so far. First off, I'm supporting France - experience and skill over all other. But as a Friend pointed out to me, we really shouldn't support any team that puts out Brazil - our team - and any team that puts them out is the enemy. Hahaha I so agree with that! So the enemy plays Italy today. But the odds and the stats so favour France in this final, and if there's a team who is going to win or should win, statistically, it's them, France. So instead of saying that I support France - I say that France is going to win - but I hope they get beat for putting out Brazil.

So on to my predictions! I predict France takes it in 2 ... by 2 and one goal is going to be scored by Zidane. Because you know that "Zidane, Zidane, he's our man, if he can't do it no one can!"

By now you may have heard, or not, the allegations of match fixing and rumours of sells. The Greeks have recently been baned by Fifa for just such acts. And more rumours seem to be surfacing, so as I get hold of them I'll let you guys know.

So enjoy the game today!

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