Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Head-Butt Felt Around The World

Ok so this is the latest update that I have for you on this head-butting incident. And just like I thought something highly insultive and offensive was said to Zidane which forced this reaction from this cool guy. And to those dumbass anchor men (pardon my French) on tv and writers who don't know jack about the man let alone the game, who say with disgust 'how could the organization award the best player trophy to this man?' I say to you to be quiet. The sum of Zidane's collective efforts, his legend, in this entire tournament, nay his entire career does not boil down to this single incident. The man is a legend, the man remains the most outstanding player in this World Cup and without question he commanded the respect of the fans and fellow players - and that's most important, Mr. Prompt-Reader and Johnny Literature. But to stay on track here are some clippings from another BBC article "Materazzi denies terrorist insult", one I read today about the incident. [Read the BBC article to get the full story].

"I held his shirt, for only a few seconds," said Materazzi, who had scored Italy's equaliser after Zidane put France ahead from the penalty spot.

"He turned towards me and scoffed at me, looking at me with super arrogance,up and down.

"He said 'if you really want my shirt, you can have it later.'

"It's true, I shot back with an insult."

This is the part that struck me the most from this article:

BBC Radio Five Live asked for help from a deaf lip reader, Jessica Rees, who read the words phonetically to an Italian translator.

She deciphered the insult as being "you're the son of a terrorist whore" - a translation also carried by many national newspapers in Britain on Tuesday.

The BBC's Ten O'Clock News also called in experts to study the television footage of the incident and determined the following:

Materazzi's first word to Zidane was "no" before he then told him to
"calm down".

He then accused him of being a "liar" and wished "an ugly death to you and your family" on the day the Frenchman's mother had been taken to hospital ill. This was followed by "Go f*** yourself".

So make of it what you will. But stay tuned for the full story, the truth of what happened as told by Zidane. I don't think I'll be posting any other speculation articles on until the Zidane himself says what has happened. And as I suspect he will be vindicated.

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