Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fidel Castro: A Revolutionary Hero

I've been wanting to say something about Fidel Castro for ever now it seems but was never sure where or how to start. So to get the ball rolling.

This is one leader that I admire greatly. His resolve, determination and charisma are all traits to be worthy and admirable of.

Born in the caribbean island of Cuba he fought against imperialism and brutality of a terrorist dictator Fulgencio Batista, eventually ousting him in 1959. A revolutionary war known as the 26th of July Movement is what started his march to the top.

The entire history up to this point is very interesting. And if you have not yet, I suggest to read a bio of Fidel or the revolution in Cuba. I'll be posting up some short and interesting facts here myself in due time.

What's alarming and concerns me now is the $80M that George Bush has pledged to a Cuban Democracy Plan. He has outrightly said that he will fund this plan. If you don't believe me then visit this article from the BBCNews - US in $80m 'Cuba democracy' plan - 'they have a whole set of other intelligence.' And they're doing this in light of the fact that he's going to celebrate the 80th anniversary of his birthday in about 3 weeks. They're already planning his demise.

How blatant is that? If some other world leader made a pledge like that how do you think the Americans would react to that? To-date I have not heard of anyone condemning this action.

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