Sunday, November 12, 2006

Intel Quad Core Processors

Intel has announced that their quad core processors are set to be released later this year.

Click Here for The Article

Does that mean that we may soon see the new Apple line of computers - Mac Pro, Mac Book Pro, Mac Book and the iMac - go from the Core 2 Duo to quad core processors?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Zune Problems

In a BBC News article "Zune problems for MSN customers" the Zune-to-be-released MP3 player by Microsoft already seems to be meeting with problems. The problem explained here is with music purchased from the Microsoft MSN Music store which is supposed to rival Apple's Music Store.

The Zune player does not support music bought from MSN Music store because of Microsoft's Plays For Sure initiative (as compared to Apple's Digital Rights Management) which is not compatible. Music bought from sites like Napster and AOL will also not work on the Zune. Keeping in line with true Microsoft we're seeing compatibility issues already. This could be a big problem as the MSN Music Store is supposed to function for the Zune in much the same way that Apple's Music Store does for the iPod. However, Microsoft will redirect customers from the MSN Music Store to a Zune store to purchase compatible tunes.

"Zune owners can buy individual tracks using a points system - 79 Zune points equals 99 cents which buys a single - or subscribe to the service monthly, giving users access to two million tracks." [see article - Zune goes head to head..."]

But in spite of this, already we see problems arising and the product has not even been released. The Zune player is supposed to be a portable MP3 player and an issue like this could mean a big downside for it.

The Zune is capable of playing music in AAC format, so it would be rather interesting if users could buy and download tunes from Apple Music Store and play it back on their Zune player.

The article also shows the possible colours that the Zune will be appearing in which includes Pink, White and Green. Pink?

In question to the Zune's success as a serious competitor to the iPod in the MP3 player arena, the article ended by stating "it could take a long time for that success to become apparent."

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Apple Home Movie

This is a funny Apple Mac Ad: Better Results

Microsoft Making Moves: Zune, Vista & Linux

Recently I read two articles that mentioned some of the latest initiatives by Microsoft. One of those initiatives, which I have previously commented on here, is the so-called iPod killer - the Zune player - which is scheduled for release on 11.14.06 at a retail price $249.99. So it is here zuner than we thought.

I went to a talk by author Steven Levy at the Apple Store in SOHO on his new book "The Perfect Thing." (Sorry I have no stills or video of this event - wish I did.) However, he had a Zune player with him - a brown coloured unit. Brown? And this is the cool factor that's supposed to compete with the iPod?! Yeah right! Steven briefly, well it was way shorter than a brief, more like a sentence or two - talked about it. And one of the features which is supposed to give the Zune an edge was the WiFi capability. Users could use this feature to transfer files and songs between devices. There is a limit to this transfer of files in that they can only be played 3 times or can be stored on the unit transferred to for up to 3 days, which ever comes first. This is not to cancel the Zune out altogether. On the contrary, it still however has very good potential and will surely be an area that "mister softee" (thanks Ken Ray) is going to pursue aggressively.

The date for the release of the way overlong delayed Microsoft Windows Vista, microsoft's new O.S., was announced earlier this week. The date is set for 11.30.06. Wow-wee!! So we're seeing the release of two new products by microsoft both in the same month. This version promises, much like the Zune player, to be an imitated version of an Apple product - Apple OS X Tiger. Definitely no B.A.S.F. here. But Vista does look impressive and promising. Why wouldn't it being a surfaced xerox'ed version of Tiger. For those of us who are not developers,magazine writers or techno-critics and so never got a pre-released version, we wait to see exactly how Vista performs and how it fares against Apple's Tiger.

Another initiative and sort of a first for Microsoft is its deal with Novell (makes of Suse Linux). In a New York Times article titled "2 Giants In a Deal Over Linux" (Friday November 3, 2006), it was suggested that this was a strategic move by microsoft in response to the recent Oracle-RedHat deal. This also comes in part, as analysts suggest, by customer demand and consideration.

What Does This All Mean?

With these 3 latest moves by Microsoft we can see them positioning themselves to compete more aggressively on increasing fronts. Should they be a force to fear on those levels? Not for another few years as those initiatives take time to have effect.

We end-users welcome Microsoft into the race. With this increased competition means more variety and increased choices, greater innovation and price wars leading to cheaper/better priced products. Maybe we may finally see the release of that long awaited true iPod Video and iPhone. Company's now cannot wholly rely on brand loyalty by customers, especially if the next guy has a better product. The whole reason we love the iPod so much is because it is a much better product than the others out there, not because it was made by Apple. They now have to better the next guy to retain loyal customers and to avoid defectors. And for Apple that means enough little twerks and querks of the iPod Nano already - how many Nano's can we have? - and give us something new already! We, I certainly, look forward to iTv, the iPhone, true Video iPod and the many other new products that you took out patents and are diligently working on.

Microsoft is expanding, continuing to grow and is a legitimate threat to any arena it enters. Just look at the game consoles. They are becoming even more formidable as they forge alliances, add products and services to their arsenal. We no doubt should expect and brace ourselves for greater products and developments from "mister softee". Shareholders are the ones to benefit as well as share-prices are positively affected, and in the process attract even more funding to their projects.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Journalists help spread propaganda

I was alerted to an article from a post on one of my favourite and regularly read blogs Citizen Against Lies, hosted by Shelly. I recommend you check it out - it's really good, unless you're a hard core Republican. The blog post is about journalist from Miami who were paid by the US government to spread lies and propaganda about Fidel Castro and Cuba. For Shame. For shame I say.

Those journalists worked as regulars and freelancers for Radio and TV Martí - two "U.S. government programs created to promote democracy and freedom in Cuba." Their programs are not broadcasted in the US but in Cuba because of U.S. anti-propaganda laws. How could they allow them to sordid the good name of Marti by spreading their slanderous, propaganderous filth?

There are several things wrong with this. Firstly, it's against US law to spread propaganda in the U.S., yet still they would fund and finance activities which they find clearly illegal and unconstitutional. Ask yourself why. Then this brings to question if they can infiltrate and manipulate these journalists, who else have they gotten to? Have all those reports that we have seen and heard on those other media also sawyed by some blind or rather hidden hand? Has what we heard all along true and accurate?

Among those mentioned are Alfonso, Connor, Cancio, Cossio, Montaner, Cao, Remos, Claro, Ferre and Crespo. For shame - how could you sell out that way?

You can read the article here 10 Miami journalists take U.S. pay

Only two of these journalists have been fired. They should all be fired. We trust that the news and reports these guys and gals deliver and fair, true and unbiased, but this brings this to question.

What else has gone on? Who else has been paid to feed us mis and wrong information?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Attack on iTunes

I have read a couple articles online where different services are all being launched and launching an attack on Apple's iTunes, all in an effort to gain some of their market share. Apple currently has about 70% to 80% of the musical digital download market and all these new start-ups are trying to steal some of this away.

Among those products are MySpace teaming up with Snocap, AOL who teams up with, Microsoft with their Zune (the 'iPod killa) - I don't even know why the Zune is nicked the iPod killler when it doesn't come near to threatening the iPod, not in hype or functionality. What does remain true and could merit the use of the word iPod in any reference to the Zune is that once again microsoft has copied on the innovative design and look and attempted the feel of the iPod. The other products which will compete with iTMS is Samsung, Nokia which will utilize the serivces of loudeye which it bought on Aug. 8; Yahoo and realnetworks.

Some of these competitors are using different models other than Apple's tried and proven pay-per-click model and some are using a dual models of pay-per-click plus subscriptions, all in an effort to gain customers.

The most impressive of those is MySpace, by far. In a BusinessWeek article, MySpace's Musical End Run, announced today that it will let bands sell music on the site straight to fans. Through their connection with digital music company Snocap which was founded by the creator of Napster, one of the first peer-to-peer file sharing programs Sean Fanning, muscians and bands can sell their music directly to fans.

One of the things I like most about MySpace's offer, and which is different from the other new competitors is that this service comes without the digital rights management (DRM) enabling playback on any device, including Apple's iPod, MP3 phones (set them as your ring-tone), the to-be-released Microsoft Zune (bump that iPod killa name - just ain't gonna happen); and also Helio devices. This I believe is the edge that'll make this model and make MySpace's launch a successful one. Already MySpace has Helio, which seems to be an amazing device which can do it all. I am in the market for a Helio device, by the way. As soon as I get one, I will let you guys know how it works. This integration would give MySpace a great advantage and put it in the most favourable position to compete with iTunes. However, from all reports as from what I've read, those new services won't be making any considerable cuts into Apple's market share anytime soon.

To go off on a tangent just a bit: While the option to have your songs play back on multiple devices is what drives customers to a particular service, how many customers actually do use more than two devices to play back downloaded songs? Most people use just their MP3 player and their computer and occasionally a friend comes over and borrowers some files.

To combat, or rather in keeping with their true self - the reason why they are number one and have the greatest market share, Apple is rumoured to release some new products and services on Tuesday, September 12th. That's next Tuesday. Among those new services would be the iTune's movie download along with a true video iPod. This will only propel Apple further away from the competition and earn them even a more greater percentage share of the digital download market. So while the competition is just coming up with ways to compete with audio, Apple is taking it to the next level - video. Truely they remain the innovators while the others are mere immitators.

Another rumoured device and one that I am kinda looking forward to is the Apple iPhone. An article from the Apple Insider seems to confirm this rumour. I am kinda sceptical about all these rumours because for those of you who very well know, these are rumours that have been around for a while. And everytime the announcement is supposed to be made, we are disappointed. But the iPhone is supposed to be great. One feature I would like to see in this unit, and I hope mr. Jobs is reading, is a feature much like that found in Helio, where we can have access to our social networking site. Direct, instant contact it what I'm looking for in this device in addition to making and receiving calls and listening to music. That would be an ideal device for me. I would give up my current crapy phone immediately.

If I'm disappointed once again by the annoucements this Tuesday, I'm gonna mad, I might even spit and curse once or twice. But I'll still be an Apple fan. So Steve, once again I told me friends about the new stuff - 'don't make a fool out of me, man!...don't make a fool out of me."

I will be updating this post periodically, so please keep checking.

Materazzi talks...

The world cup has been done for about 2 months now and just as long since we talked about "The headbutt felt around the world"

There were lots of questions and little to no answers as to why Zinedine Zidane headbutted Marco Materazzi of Italy in what turned out to be the final game of his (zidane's) career.

In a BBC article today - Materazzi breaks Zidane silnce - Marco Materazzi finally gives a little insight into what was said. He said: "I was tugging his shirt, he said to me 'if you want my shirt so much I'll give it to you afterwards,' I answered that I'd prefer his sister." [quote from BBC article]. With a name like Marco, what else could we expect.

Zidane today has still not said exactly what was said to him which forced this action from him. But we still wait for his word...maybe another two months...maybe.

Monday, August 21, 2006

"Cubans are the last hope for many..."

I want to direct your attention to an article once again from the BBCNews website, as you know that's where I get my most widespread news from one. This article "Cuba doctors popular in quake-stricken Java" is about Cuban doctors staying on in Java long after other humanitarian and relief aid persons from other countries have left.

But this is only part of it. Cuban doctors are providing free medical aid to many countries all over the world and we hear nothing of it. The article states that "Cuba currently has about 20,000 doctors working in 68 countries across three continents..." There's hardly any print of it in the newspapers and definitely none of it on television - especially definitely not in American media - the medium through which millions depend on their news and necessary information. But whenever they drop off a case of medicine or a box of bandaids we hear about it for weeks on end. Don't get me wrong - their help, aid and support is still in great measure, goes a very long way and is very much appreciated. But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the media's lack of coverage of such amaible and humantarian works by Cuban doctors.

I think it's really wonderful the work that the Cuban doctors are doing in providing FREE medical treatment to victims who otherwise would simply die off without such assistance. While American and other foreign drug companies, like Merck and others, charge to provide their drugs which would ease the sufferings of many and drastically cut down on the loss of lives, Fidel Castro has made it a point to provide the sick, poor and dying with the best medical treatment and to provide it at a cost they can all afford - free. It seems almost that they (Cuban doctors) are on stand-by, ready to be deployed to hurting areas - from hurricane victims to earthquake-shattered regions. When the rest of the world has pulled out and gone back home the Cubans are indeed "the last hope for many..."

They even offered and were prepared to help Katrina victims in New Orleans....but their help was turned down. [read the article from MSNBC - Katrina aid from Cuba? No thanks, says U.S.] Why? Why would you turn down free medical treatment for your people?

In a future posting I will present the findings of some research as to the extent of the Cuban medical aid provided to countries around the world and will post it here. I invite you to read and if you are a member of one of those medical teams please forward me some information as to your operations - it would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

How I got Screwed by PayPal

I recently heard on Diggnation how this Russian guy lost around $1200 or $2100 on the sale of a MacBook with the 'aid' of Paypal. I say 'aid' because it was the action of Paypal that caused the loss.

I had a horrible experience with Paypal myself some time ago. I was auctioning off this software which I listed on eBay. When the auction ended and the sale done, having been a Paypal member for a while, I offcourse continued to use and rely on their services in fully realizing this transaction.

The money was received - around $83.00 I think it was - and I packaged and shipped off the software. The buyer was a guy in the U.S. and I will not mention his eBay name only because I do not remember it, but no doubt he has a ton of negative ratings by now. But I will refer to him as "mr. cheap-software-buyer" because he did get the software for very, very cheap.

Anyways, at the time I was in the C'bbean and so I mailed off the package through the local post-office: regular mail. Now anyone who has ever mailed off anything via regular mail knows there is no tracking number. We all know the only time you get a tracking number is when you ship via an express courier like DHL or FedEx - definitely not regular mail. The package was not big enough for that - and besides it would cost me too much to ship it that way. Hey I was trying to make a profit here!

I made a near full withdrawal from my a/c a few days after I shipped off the item to recoup for the packaging and shipping cost and also because I already had other stuff to get. Soon afterwards I get an email from Paypay saying that a dispute has been filed against me by "mr. cheap-software-buyer" and I need to confirm shipment of the package. Now I understood his concern when a day or two went by and he did not see the package. I emailed him and told him it would take at least 5 days to get to him - it takes a bit longer when it's shipped from outside of the America.

Paypal sent me a page/link to resolve/rectify this dispute but the stupid page only has 3 options and I had to check one - one of which was proving a tracking number. That was it! There was no area or place where I could insert a comment or explanation where I could tell them 'look, the item was shipped regular mail and I did not get a tracking number because no post office provides a tracking number for items shipped via regular mail.' How dumb is this dispute resolve page !!! No area to insert an explanation! Anyways, I sent them several emails spanning months explaining this very thing to them. I never received any responses other than the same stupid email notification thing asking me to rectify and provide confirmation.

After a while Paypal debited my Paypal account and refunded mr. cheap-software-buyer. By the time they did I am almost sure that the asshole got the software and never bothered to cancel the dispute. Why would he? He got some very expensive software and he got all his money back.

Now remember I told you earlier that I had taken nearly all my money out of my Paypal account to do some other stuff. With Paypal's debit to the account meant that account now had a negative balance because there was not enough in there to cover their debit/refund to the customer. So now it meant that I owed Paypal and also was out of my software. Now I'm on the losing end. I kept of sending them emails explaining the situation to them - none of which were ever responded to...and then bump trying to call them - wasn't happening. They eventually suspended my account and kept sending me emails and letters now saying that I owe them. I refused to pay because I did mail the item off to the S.O.B. who no doubt is enjoying it right now - I hope it brings a plague on your PC and causes it a horrible crash, even though it will not happen because it's Linux software.

To You Paypal I say...

[This was not fair at all. Where's my restitution? I should be able to file a complaint for non-payment of a shipped and received good. Shouldn't I? Not with Paypal, baby.]

Could this get any worse?

The bastards at Paypal then submitted this information to a collection agency. I refused to pay. This then showed up on my credit report and offcourse you know that messes up the credit score and all sorts of woes accompany this. It's gonna stay there for 5 years because I'm not paying this crap. Hopefully within that time they would crash and go out of business. I'm going to see a "going-out-of-business-sale' in their windows - you know, like the ones you see in Chicago, Boston and some New York City stores.

I can't tell you how upset I was that they submitted the info. to some collection agency and then the shit showed up on my credit report. Especially after I tried so hard to explain and rectify the situation. Their system was just not set up to fully rosolve disputes and as a result I got screwd. This now seems to be a legal issue as it filtered over and ruined my credit. They never provided adequate dispute resolution.

So now there's only direct payments for me. And I won't even get started on eBay. I'm looking forward to Google's payment service - that's what I'll be using. Let's hope it's easier on dispute and resolution claims as no doubt there will be guys trying to get 'free software.' Looking forward to their working out better than paypal.

Post Post:
Since I've written this I got an email or two from people who have also had bad experiences with Paypal and some with eBay. If you have some stories of your own please post it here as a comment or email it to me and I will put it on for you.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mac OS X - Leopard: Initial Thoughts

This is just a short - somethings that I noticed with Leopard.

First thing is my concern with the iChat feature that allows someone to browse your computer and where they can copy and alter files. This is potentially a security problem.

Another thing is with Spaces. This is not a problem, but more so an observation. I've been using Linux for a while and one feature that's native there and which I love is the desktops feature. This feature allows you to set up multiple desktops in a single session where you can have programs running in each but sectioned off from the others. You can group your applications in each window according to what you are working with.

The Spaces feature in Leopard seems to resemble this somewhat. Apple makes it look better because of their smoother, nicer looking GUI...but the functionality remains the same as Desktops for Linux.

Time Machine:
First off, this name is not entirely accurate as a Time Machine is one that can take you back to the past and also send you into the future. Time Machine on the Mac only sends you back into the past and back to the present. Wouldn't it be cool if they could send us to the furutre to retrieve those files we are going to download later and bring it to the present!

But anyway, I'm not sure if this feature is activated by default, but this functionality saves every bit of history on your computer. That includes those files you deleted and maybe don't want anyone to know you had. You know the ones that I'm talking about - that porn flick you downloaded, and those photos you got off the internet from that chat with sexylucious, bianca123 or georgewellhung. As was said "we back up Everything...we can restore Everything..."

One cool thing would be for Apple to have this feature customizable where you can select specific folders you want to have backed up...and not the entire system.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Where's My iPod Video?!

No one seems to be mentioning the fact that Steve Jobs failed to introduce the new Video iPod. I've been waiting for months now for the release of this model and was kinda expecting Apple to make the announcement at the WWDC 2006. But it never came. We were also expecting an upgrade to the iPod Nano. That too didn't happen. In fact I don't think any mention was made of the iPod. Where's my iPod Video?

There were other disappointments also. There was no Apple iPhone which was highly rumoured to be released. How good are those rumoured websites anyways? Lately nothing they forsee or rumour to come true does.

We all heard of talks with Apple's Steve Jobs and motion picture execs on possible deals for Apple to sell movies on I.T.M. So the rumours about the true video iPod was very credible. So I am disappointed that it was not released and now wonder how long will I have to wait. Where's my iPod Video? How long will I have to wait Steve? I told lots of people that we would be getting a true video iPod. "Don't make a fool out of me man...don't make a fool out of me!"

I still wait...

WWDC 2006 - Not Fully Satisfying

Still a little giddy and googly-eyed (not to be confused or connected with google at all) from the keynote presentation at WWDC 2006 I thought I'd try to write.

I checked out Steve Jobs' keynote presentation at WWDC 2006 and I was left both happy and saddened at the same time. Even though this was the largest conference thus far, with 4200 in attendance, I can't help feel that many of those left not wholey satisfied. For one thing there was the absense of that trademark 'one more thing' surprise from Steve. Everything was great, but I could have used a little more cow-bell.

But what left me disappointed from a consumer stand point was the fact that there was no upgrade or release of a new iPod. I was fully expecting to see Steve pull out a true video iPod and stun us all - but that didn't happen. Many of the rumours which were surfacing before WWDC fell through. These include the Apple Phone or t he ability to call telephones using iChat.

Here are some of the most exciting things to come out of the conference: "Let The Photocopiers Begin":
Prince drops no Apple Cinema Displays. The 20" (now $699 down from $799, 23" (now $999 down from $1299) and 30" (now $1999 down from $2499) prices have been slashed by $100, $300 and $500 respectively - that's great.

The preview of the new OS X Leopard was wonderful with some amazing features as Time Machine, Spaces and cool new features to Spotlight, iChat and Mail. This is friggin' amazing. One concern that I have is the feature that allows someone you're chatting to peruse your desktop and negotiate files. This could be a potential security problem as it is prove a hole for some malicious activity. However, I'm defintely looking forward to Leopard.
Steve said that some of the novel and most amazing features of Leopard will not be revealed yet because as we know the photocopiers are running...and with due reason.

New Pro line replacing the Power macs with quad core processors. I'm not going to get into the technical details (you can view them here), but it's friggin' hott.

You can check out reviews of the keynote presentation from anywhere on the web, just do a google search. But you can check out the video stream at Apple's website

So what does this mean for Apple's stock price: I say 'not much'. The price is not going to shoot up because there was no amazing product released or one more surprise to make investors rush to the buy; neither was the news disappointing to make them sell. There will be moderate and consistent trading of the shares till we are Wowed or disastified....until then, for those of you who do have shares, I say trade on, for those of you who don't - what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fidel Temporarily Hands Over Power

I just found out that Fidel Castro has undergone intestinal surgery because of "an acute intestinal crisis with persistent bleeding." This was suffered due to a hectic schedule during an Argentine visit just weeks before he celebrates his 80th birthday.

In a statement made and read by his personal secretary, fidel has temporarily transferred power over to his brother Raul Castro. Read the statement here: Statement

Raul Castro

Read the BBCNews article here: Castro Steps Aside After Surgery

I saw a news clip where they show Cubans in Miami dancing and being merry in the streets. As I would normally feel support for the ousting of any tyrrant I cannot share in this celebration one bit. I feel that the media has and is only showing just one aspect of life in Cuba and mediates/tells the story of just one set of Cubans - those are unhappy with the government. By so doing we who watch the news get just one idea and image developed of the country. In their vile attempt to show and nuture the mentality of a weakened Castro, even the photos they choose to use to show the leader, are ones where his prowess and strength are not showing. Media manipulation that's what it is; in their attempt, however succesfully with many people, to brainwash us.

Miami Celebration.

However, Fidel is in a hospital in Cuba recovering from this operation. Already there are speculations about his death. But that has not been confirmed; and as there is little reason to suspect such we should dispell with this thought altogether.

This is the very first time that Fidel has ever handed over power since he came into power in 1959. As it seems the government system will continue under the temporary leadership of Raul. I know that the US is already planning something inspite of the played down remarks which have come out of Washington. For now we wait and see what happens.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fidel Castro: A Revolutionary Hero

I've been wanting to say something about Fidel Castro for ever now it seems but was never sure where or how to start. So to get the ball rolling.

This is one leader that I admire greatly. His resolve, determination and charisma are all traits to be worthy and admirable of.

Born in the caribbean island of Cuba he fought against imperialism and brutality of a terrorist dictator Fulgencio Batista, eventually ousting him in 1959. A revolutionary war known as the 26th of July Movement is what started his march to the top.

The entire history up to this point is very interesting. And if you have not yet, I suggest to read a bio of Fidel or the revolution in Cuba. I'll be posting up some short and interesting facts here myself in due time.

What's alarming and concerns me now is the $80M that George Bush has pledged to a Cuban Democracy Plan. He has outrightly said that he will fund this plan. If you don't believe me then visit this article from the BBCNews - US in $80m 'Cuba democracy' plan - 'they have a whole set of other intelligence.' And they're doing this in light of the fact that he's going to celebrate the 80th anniversary of his birthday in about 3 weeks. They're already planning his demise.

How blatant is that? If some other world leader made a pledge like that how do you think the Americans would react to that? To-date I have not heard of anyone condemning this action.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

26th of July

Today is the 26th of July - the 47th anniversary of the overthrow of the Batista regime in Cuba by the revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, and named the 26th of July Movement.

I thought I would take some time to give you some highlights, courtesy of, of the history of this movement. Fidel Castro, the revolutionary leader and hero, is someone that I admire, and so I try to read up and know as much about the mindset of this persona as I can.

The 26th of July Movement (Spanish: Movimiento 26 de Julio) was the revolutionary organization led by Fidel Castro that in 1959 overthrew the Fulgencio Batista regime in Cuba. Its name originated from the attack on the Moncada Barracks, an army facility in Santiago, on July 26, 1953. The movement was re-organized in Mexico in 1955 by a group of exiled revolutionaries (including the brothers Fidel and Raúl Castro, and the Argentinian Che Guevara, numbering a mere 82 people). Their task was to form a disciplined guerrilla force ready to overthrow Batista. Some members of the movement remaining in Cuba carried out acts of sabotage and tried to stir up political discontent there.

On December 2, 1956, 82 men landed in Cuba, having sailed in the boat Granma from Tuxpan, Veracruz, ready to organize and lead a revolution. The early signs were not good for the movement. They landed in broad daylight and were attacked by the Cuban Air Force. Most of those who landed died after being fired upon by the Cuban Air Force. The landing party was split into two and wandered lost for two days, most of their supplies abandoned where they landed. Of the 82 who sailed aboard the Granma, only 12 eventually regrouped in the Sierra Maestra mountain range. There they encountered the Cuban Army. Guevara was shot in the neck and chest during the fighting, but was not severely injured, and continued to give first aid to other wounded guerillas. This was the opening phase of the war of the Cuban Revolution, which continued for the next two years. It ended in January 1959 after Batista fled Cuba on New Year's Eve. The movement's forces marched into Havana.

That's the short of it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

In Her Jeans

I had to write this down as it felt kinda strange for me. This morning I found myself walking to the stride of this lady in front of me. I saw her walk up the path in the subway and she happened to be walking in the same direction I was, so naturally we were in the same steps. And when she turned around and headed up that ramp – wow!!!

She was dressed in almost the perfect fitting jeans (and may the maker of the jeans rest in peace!) and they were hugging her just the right way. They were the tight fitting straight leg type (yes I know my jeans), kinda dark blue and she wore them with heels. Sunglasses over her hair like the movie stars do, blue sleeveless top and hand bag under her left arm. She had long legs and an upright posture. My eyes, while not glued to her posterior, well somewhat, were drawn to her body like a magnet.

She looked really good in her jeans and for some strange reason I found myself walking to her beat. She arrested my attention and seemed to hold it hostage as I was almost helpless in turning away. It was like there was no one else around and things just slowed down with each long, graceful step she took. I watched and studied the curve of her hips and the cup of her butt in the jeans. With each step, left…right…left…the up and down motion of her derriere had me hooked. It was like a hypnotist swinging his clock back and forth in an effort to hypnotize a patient. And so too was the very effect her steps had on me - with every up and down.

It was not lustful. She was just a thing of beauty in a pair of jeans that I saw this morning. It was not lustful. I just had to preserve and posses in my mind that which I was drawn to look at. She reminded me of someone I once knew – beautiful. What a way to start my day. And she has no idea the effect that she had or that she was the reason for my smile this morning.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Internationale

This is the introduction to a topic of major interest to me. I happened to watch a PBS special (they have the most educational show, I mean it) on the tele tonight. this show was about the song 'The Interntionale.' Unfortunately I tuned in too late to get much information on the history/origin of this song but early enough to catch some pretty interesting information. This song seems to be the anthem of the oppressed and revolutionaries and was sung from way back when in the days of early wars, socialism and communisim to the students in China's Tiananmen Square.

Original English (translated) Lyrics

Arise, ye workers from your slumber,
Arise, ye prisoners of want.
For reason in revolt now thunders,
and at last ends the age of cant!
Away with all your superstitions,
Servile masses, arise, arise!
We'll change henceforth the old tradition,
And spurn the dust to win the prize!
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

2nd Verse
No more deluded by reaction,
On tyrants only we'll make war!
The soldiers too will take strike action,
They'll break ranks and fight no more!
And if those cannibals keep trying,
To sacrifice us to their pride,
They soon shall hear the bullets flying,
We'll shoot the generals on our own side.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

3rd Verse
No saviour from on high delivers,
No faith have we in prince or peer.
Our own right hand the chains must shiver,
Chains of hatred, greed and fear.
E'er the thieves will out with their booty,
And to all give a happier lot.
Each at his forge must do their duty,
And we'll strike the iron while it's hot.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

Here's a little history on this courtesy of Wikipedia.
The Interntionale (L'Internationale in French) was written in 1870 by Eugene Pottier (1816-1887) who was a French revolutionary socialist, poet and transport worker. Being a revolutionary it's no wonder that this song has all the makings of an-oppression and has become the anthem of socialist movements from since the days of it's writings.

The lyrics and the song have since transcended the mere socialist conditions that it was written about and can now be applied to every individual life and the oppression that it endures. From personal problems to more serious ills, this song has a place in all our hearts. My new favourite, an anthem I sing and a new source of revolutionary strength and meaning.

Below are links to the English, French and Spanish versions of this song. Please check it out and listen. Read the lyrics and see how it applies to you.

English Version
French Version
Spanish Version

If you have any memories or stories surrounding this song, please email them to me or place it in the comments as I will be composing for a later rant your stories. So please share them.

Zidane Apologizes To Fans

"I want to ask for forgiveness from all the children who watched," Zidane said.

Those were the words of Zinedine Zidane on French TV station Canal Plus. An apology was made but still no clarification on what Materazzi said that ignited this aggressive reaction from the lengendary player. But Zidane did however contine to hint that what was said was serious enough to evoke that action. And he made no apologies for it: "I can't regret what I did because it would mean that he (Materazzi) was right to say what he said". Of note should be the fact that he apologized to his fans for his behaviour but not the for his action and definitely not to Materazzi who in return sticks to his story that he did not insult Zidane's mother but did however say something insultive.

The French Team Welcomed Home

Look closely you can see that Materazzi is hiding something. First he says that he did not say anything insultive to Zidane then he says that what he said (meaning that he did say something) is something that's said many times on the pitch and that "It's true, I shot back with an insult."

So Zidane we're still waiting to hear exactly what Materazzi said.

Rumour has it now, and not so rumour coming from the source, that Fifa is investigating the head-butting incident and may strip Zidane of the best player title. But this coveted title was decided on by an independent group and not by Fifa, so it would be interesting to see how this fares. But I have every reason to believe that Zinedine Zidane will keep his title.

I can't say that I am all too pleased simply with just an apology from Zidane and neither are you reading this right now. I for one was at least hoping that Zidane would have revealed what Materazzi said to him that made him go off like that. But again I wait, we wait... But Zidane, come on and say what was said to you already! Gosh. Right now most of us don't really see what the big deal is - but why the secrecy?

So Zidane we heard your apology and we forgive you. Carry on! You legend has not been tarnished by your courageous decision, albeit foolish at the same time, to stand up for something that offended you and would be offensive to any of us had it been directed our way. We do not approve of your course of action - the way you chose to fight - but we do understand your reason for it. Somewhat at least. Well, some of us.

Read the full article - Zidane makes apology for headbutt - on

Or Read the interview session.

Even as the light of attention seems to settle on the Italian celebrations on wining the World Cup 2006, one seems to be still shining, however fading, on the Zidane incident and indeed on the sport itself.

July 13th
Update: Zidane For President!
I just wanted to add this bit of information that I received not too long ago. In an article in the Wall Street Journal dated July 13th, 2006 says that a ruling party parliamentarian in France is demanding that Zidane be given a Legion d'honneur, France's highest decoration. Pretty soon we may be hearing the call for "Zidane For President." So let me be the first one to say it: Zidane For President! Zidane pour Presidente!

In addition to the honneur a French lawyer has declared yesterday that he will 'go to court to try to get the World Cup final invalidated on the grounds that Mr. Zidane's expulsion was illegal.' He wants to have the match replayed to prove the fact that with Zidane still playing, the game would have been won by France. I remind you of my chant at the opening of the game: "Zidane, Zidane he's our man, if he can't do it no one can!"

How crazy would that be if it were to happen. What do you think? Do you think that the game should be replayed in light of the fact that may have been an illegal expulsion? I think Italy won - the best team won that day. Let's just deal with the issue of Zidane and Materazzi and move on already.

Please feel free to leave me your comments and thoughts on this.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Head-Butt Felt Around The World

Ok so this is the latest update that I have for you on this head-butting incident. And just like I thought something highly insultive and offensive was said to Zidane which forced this reaction from this cool guy. And to those dumbass anchor men (pardon my French) on tv and writers who don't know jack about the man let alone the game, who say with disgust 'how could the organization award the best player trophy to this man?' I say to you to be quiet. The sum of Zidane's collective efforts, his legend, in this entire tournament, nay his entire career does not boil down to this single incident. The man is a legend, the man remains the most outstanding player in this World Cup and without question he commanded the respect of the fans and fellow players - and that's most important, Mr. Prompt-Reader and Johnny Literature. But to stay on track here are some clippings from another BBC article "Materazzi denies terrorist insult", one I read today about the incident. [Read the BBC article to get the full story].

"I held his shirt, for only a few seconds," said Materazzi, who had scored Italy's equaliser after Zidane put France ahead from the penalty spot.

"He turned towards me and scoffed at me, looking at me with super arrogance,up and down.

"He said 'if you really want my shirt, you can have it later.'

"It's true, I shot back with an insult."

This is the part that struck me the most from this article:

BBC Radio Five Live asked for help from a deaf lip reader, Jessica Rees, who read the words phonetically to an Italian translator.

She deciphered the insult as being "you're the son of a terrorist whore" - a translation also carried by many national newspapers in Britain on Tuesday.

The BBC's Ten O'Clock News also called in experts to study the television footage of the incident and determined the following:

Materazzi's first word to Zidane was "no" before he then told him to
"calm down".

He then accused him of being a "liar" and wished "an ugly death to you and your family" on the day the Frenchman's mother had been taken to hospital ill. This was followed by "Go f*** yourself".

So make of it what you will. But stay tuned for the full story, the truth of what happened as told by Zidane. I don't think I'll be posting any other speculation articles on until the Zidane himself says what has happened. And as I suspect he will be vindicated.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Zidane Nooooooooooo !!!!

That was the yell heard two floors up and one floor down in my building sending my neighbours in alarm. I apologize, but all is well. We all saw the game. We know that Italy won in penalties 5-3 after the extra time. But that which stands out most and will be remembered above all else in that game was the solid headbutt Zinedine Zidane landed in the chest of the seemingly innocent Materazzi which sent up flying off his feet landing hard on the pitch. This act rightfully won him the red card and an instant ejection from the game and the tournament. Hearts dropped like rocks as the red card went up, almost in slow motion, into the air! A seemingly sad end to a great career.

However, the question that remains and lingers on the minds of everyone is 'was he provoked?' Those who are quick to dismiss this as a mere act of aggression by a frustrated player would undoubtedly say 'no.' But for the rest of us, the more reasonably minded would venture to say 'yes' or even 'quite possibly.' As I watched the match and saw Zidane react that way my instant reaction was that he was provoked...something "very serious" must have been said to provoke this world class player in the final game of the most prestigious competition and in the final game of his career for him to even risk something like that, let alone to do it. So what was said? My thoughts were that Materazzi must have insulted Zidane's mother; others, along with me, thought also that he must have made some racist remarks. Coming from the tensions with the Spain game where Spain's coach was fined for racist remarks which he still has not apologized for against team-mate Thierry Henry would be a sensitive spot for the captain of the defending World Champions.

So the speculations continue and with no word yet from the captain as to the provocation only lends fuel to the growing speculation. And added to that Materazzi's silence only gives credit to the assumptions that he did indeed provoke the captain with some insultive remarks. And what he did say only made him more guilty: " "It is absolutely not true, I did not call him a terrorist. I'm ignorant. I don't even know what the word means," the Italian news agency Ansa quoted Materazzi as saying..." This is an excerpt from the recently publiched BBC article - Zidane blames Materazzi insults - about the headbutting incident. Oh. My. Goodness! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Can Materazzi actually expect us to believe that he doesn't know what the word terrorist means. He has either been living under a rock in a hole somewhere, incredibly stupid or very insultive of all our intelligence, individually and collectively, if he expects us to believe he does not know the meaning of the word terrorist. That statement alone lets me know that he is guilty of something. And for those who might say otherwise this is a direct quote from an Italian paper by an Italian who questioned him in Italy. [Read the BBC article for the full story]

Like the article says we should be getting some more news on this next week. So for now we wait and in the meantime we speculate. Already it's amazing how many articles have been written condeming Zidane's actions, ridiculing the man and the player. Those are the very same ones who will get their foot in their mouths when the true story comes out and they are wrong - too quick to judge.

But despite their rapid praise to criticism, inspite of the red card Zidane, the most hopeful to lead his team to victory with the most consistent thumbs up, won the Golden Ball award for the World Cup's Best Player.

For now I'm agreeing with those who say that he should have reacted differently, no matter what was said to him. Very little justifies acts of physical aggression towards someone else especially in a regulated and friendly zone as the football pitch of the worldcup finals. But if it turns out that Materazzi did make racial slurs or offensive remarks I hope the light of judgement and the sharp forked pencils and tongues of those many writers who are quick on the tip aim this light at the true culprit of this incident and highlight this act for the rest to know what it really is.

The life's lesson here, as my friend's mom pointed out, is that you could be on the top and have everything going for you with the world cheering you on and in a minute it could all just fall apart from one silly spur-of-the-moment judgement-call/action. These were not her exact words but it is to the effect what she said.

Was this the act of a man who acts aggresively or was this the stance of a legend, a conscious man standing up? Let's wait to find out. In the meantime let's get back unto the pitch and play ball.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

World Cup Finals France vs Italy

So with World Cup 2006 about to end and the final game between France and Italy only a few hours away, I thought I'd come on and post one of my last thoughts on the games so far. First off, I'm supporting France - experience and skill over all other. But as a Friend pointed out to me, we really shouldn't support any team that puts out Brazil - our team - and any team that puts them out is the enemy. Hahaha I so agree with that! So the enemy plays Italy today. But the odds and the stats so favour France in this final, and if there's a team who is going to win or should win, statistically, it's them, France. So instead of saying that I support France - I say that France is going to win - but I hope they get beat for putting out Brazil.

So on to my predictions! I predict France takes it in 2 ... by 2 and one goal is going to be scored by Zidane. Because you know that "Zidane, Zidane, he's our man, if he can't do it no one can!"

By now you may have heard, or not, the allegations of match fixing and rumours of sells. The Greeks have recently been baned by Fifa for just such acts. And more rumours seem to be surfacing, so as I get hold of them I'll let you guys know.

So enjoy the game today!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Which World Cup Team Has The Hottest Fans?

Ok, so I have checked out several photos on flickr, bbc and else where of fans from the different countries taking part in World Cup 2006. And many of them seem incredible. But from what I have seen Brazil and Argentina seem to have the hottest fans. And if I had to chose between the two I'd go with Brazil. To try to help me decide and for you to understand why I chose Brazil below are the postings of 6 fan fotos; 3 Brazilian and 3 Argentinian. And then there's this bonus Brazilian fan foto that I just had to put on there (thanks alexpn for the great eye). So my list of top 5 hottest fans are as follows:
1. Brazil
2. Argentina
3. Sweden
4. Trinidad & Tobago
5. Germany.

And Oh My Gosh - The Swedish fans are so Poppin!!!

Brazil Fans

Who Is She?

Bonus Foto

Argentina Fans


It was indeed a very hard decision. And I think I'll make an album of the hottest 3 fans from each country and ask you guys to vote on it. But feel free to let me know what you think of my current picks. Aren't they just freaking hott!

World Cup 2006 Blues

How well it fares that my very first blog entry is a mild rant on the world cup remains to be seen, but I just needed to as that was the very last thing of interest impressed upon me. I'm talking particular of the games yesterday: England vs Portgual and Brazil vs France. Both upsets and disappointments, not just for me but for many fans out there. My predictions for this world cup was a final between England and Brazil. Well as you can tell my abilities to predict the furture of world cup is not very on point. But it was not all without merit.

Both of the teams I thought would make it to the final round lost and in the same day. The most disheartening was the lost by Brazil to France, not so much England. That's because I felt that England has not been that impressive through-out and were basically riding on luck which ran out yesterday. And now Beckham has quit as England's captain. But Brazil, the World Cup hopefuls, the ones that so many critics, futurists and psychics had predicted, much like myself to win, lost. Kudos to France they played a great game.

So now I am trying to figure out who's going to make it to the finals. An all European finals is ont one embraced by many people but does not matter much to me because the best teams will be the best teams and the ones who make it to the latter rounds. But there's already talk of major irregularities and cheatings in this cup, espcially with the lost by Argetina to the Germans. There's talk of the Argetinian goal keeper being passed a paper just before the pentalies. What was written on this paper I do not know know, by the talk seems to be in the direction that it was brief stats. on the kickers. I would assume it's information on the side they would likely take their shot, giving the goalkeeper an advantage. But so far it's all talk.

So now with Brazil, the team with the hottest looking fans, out most of us have to try to find another champion. For me both France and Portugal have played impressively. I'm not too sure of Italy, though some seem to feel that they are right up in there. But we'll see.