Those were the words of Zinedine Zidane on French TV station Canal Plus. An apology was made but still no clarification on what Materazzi said that ignited this aggressive reaction from the lengendary player. But Zidane did however contine to hint that what was said was serious enough to evoke that action. And he made no apologies for it: "I can't regret what I did because it would mean that he (Materazzi) was right to say what he said". Of note should be the fact that he apologized to his fans for his behaviour but not the for his action and definitely not to Materazzi who in return sticks to his story that he did not insult Zidane's mother but did however say something insultive.
The French Team Welcomed Home
Look closely you can see that Materazzi is hiding something. First he says that he did not say anything insultive to Zidane then he says that what he said (meaning that he did say something) is something that's said many times on the pitch and that "It's true, I shot back with an insult."
So Zidane we're still waiting to hear exactly what Materazzi said.
Rumour has it now, and not so rumour coming from the source, that Fifa is investigating the head-butting incident and may strip Zidane of the best player title. But this coveted title was decided on by an independent group and not by Fifa, so it would be interesting to see how this fares. But I have every reason to believe that Zinedine Zidane will keep his title.
I can't say that I am all too pleased simply with just an apology from Zidane and neither are you reading this right now. I for one was at least hoping that Zidane would have revealed what Materazzi said to him that made him go off like that. But again I wait, we wait... But Zidane, come on and say what was said to you already! Gosh. Right now most of us don't really see what the big deal is - but why the secrecy?
So Zidane we heard your apology and we forgive you. Carry on! You legend has not been tarnished by your courageous decision, albeit foolish at the same time, to stand up for something that offended you and would be offensive to any of us had it been directed our way. We do not approve of your course of action - the way you chose to fight - but we do understand your reason for it. Somewhat at least. Well, some of us.
Read the full article - Zidane makes apology for headbutt - on
Or Read the interview session.
Even as the light of attention seems to settle on the Italian celebrations on wining the World Cup 2006, one seems to be still shining, however fading, on the Zidane incident and indeed on the sport itself.
July 13th
Update: Zidane For President!
I just wanted to add this bit of information that I received not too long ago. In an article in the Wall Street Journal dated July 13th, 2006 says that a ruling party parliamentarian in France is demanding that Zidane be given a Legion d'honneur, France's highest decoration. Pretty soon we may be hearing the call for "Zidane For President." So let me be the first one to say it: Zidane For President! Zidane pour Presidente!
In addition to the honneur a French lawyer has declared yesterday that he will 'go to court to try to get the World Cup final invalidated on the grounds that Mr. Zidane's expulsion was illegal.' He wants to have the match replayed to prove the fact that with Zidane still playing, the game would have been won by France. I remind you of my chant at the opening of the game: "Zidane, Zidane he's our man, if he can't do it no one can!"
How crazy would that be if it were to happen. What do you think? Do you think that the game should be replayed in light of the fact that may have been an illegal expulsion? I think Italy won - the best team won that day. Let's just deal with the issue of Zidane and Materazzi and move on already.
Please feel free to leave me your comments and thoughts on this.
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