Sunday, July 02, 2006

World Cup 2006 Blues

How well it fares that my very first blog entry is a mild rant on the world cup remains to be seen, but I just needed to as that was the very last thing of interest impressed upon me. I'm talking particular of the games yesterday: England vs Portgual and Brazil vs France. Both upsets and disappointments, not just for me but for many fans out there. My predictions for this world cup was a final between England and Brazil. Well as you can tell my abilities to predict the furture of world cup is not very on point. But it was not all without merit.

Both of the teams I thought would make it to the final round lost and in the same day. The most disheartening was the lost by Brazil to France, not so much England. That's because I felt that England has not been that impressive through-out and were basically riding on luck which ran out yesterday. And now Beckham has quit as England's captain. But Brazil, the World Cup hopefuls, the ones that so many critics, futurists and psychics had predicted, much like myself to win, lost. Kudos to France they played a great game.

So now I am trying to figure out who's going to make it to the finals. An all European finals is ont one embraced by many people but does not matter much to me because the best teams will be the best teams and the ones who make it to the latter rounds. But there's already talk of major irregularities and cheatings in this cup, espcially with the lost by Argetina to the Germans. There's talk of the Argetinian goal keeper being passed a paper just before the pentalies. What was written on this paper I do not know know, by the talk seems to be in the direction that it was brief stats. on the kickers. I would assume it's information on the side they would likely take their shot, giving the goalkeeper an advantage. But so far it's all talk.

So now with Brazil, the team with the hottest looking fans, out most of us have to try to find another champion. For me both France and Portugal have played impressively. I'm not too sure of Italy, though some seem to feel that they are right up in there. But we'll see.

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