Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mac OS X - Leopard: Initial Thoughts

This is just a short - somethings that I noticed with Leopard.

First thing is my concern with the iChat feature that allows someone to browse your computer and where they can copy and alter files. This is potentially a security problem.

Another thing is with Spaces. This is not a problem, but more so an observation. I've been using Linux for a while and one feature that's native there and which I love is the desktops feature. This feature allows you to set up multiple desktops in a single session where you can have programs running in each but sectioned off from the others. You can group your applications in each window according to what you are working with.

The Spaces feature in Leopard seems to resemble this somewhat. Apple makes it look better because of their smoother, nicer looking GUI...but the functionality remains the same as Desktops for Linux.

Time Machine:
First off, this name is not entirely accurate as a Time Machine is one that can take you back to the past and also send you into the future. Time Machine on the Mac only sends you back into the past and back to the present. Wouldn't it be cool if they could send us to the furutre to retrieve those files we are going to download later and bring it to the present!

But anyway, I'm not sure if this feature is activated by default, but this functionality saves every bit of history on your computer. That includes those files you deleted and maybe don't want anyone to know you had. You know the ones that I'm talking about - that porn flick you downloaded, and those photos you got off the internet from that chat with sexylucious, bianca123 or georgewellhung. As was said "we back up Everything...we can restore Everything..."

One cool thing would be for Apple to have this feature customizable where you can select specific folders you want to have backed up...and not the entire system.

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