Friday, January 05, 2007

Security Project Focuses on Apple

I read this article from my trusty BBCNews titled Security project focuses on Apple where two hackers planned to publicize bugs found in Mac OS X.

The hackers, Kevin Finisterre (founder of security startup Digital Munition) and (handle) LHM, will no doubt get mixed reactions from Apple users and supporters alike. But I believe this is a worthy project, however one that Apple insiders themselves should have undertaken and not external groups. There are obvious benefits of these external groups who are more objectionable in their approach and more likely to find more bugs than an insider would. So I look forward to seeing the bugs that they find.

One of the bugs found, is a said flaw in the QuickTime software – and QuickTime is one of the constants of all reported Mac OS bugs – allows for users to potentially install malicious code on their machine. But be noted that the user must give permission for the program to be installed. Nothing is installed automatically on the machine. (see paragraph 9 of the article)

The results of this project will be posted on their blog. I’m not sure if we’re going to get a continuous update of their findings or be giving just a final report. But I will be checking it out every day and posting any reported findings. Let’s see what this project turns up.

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