Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Apple Delivers BIG!!!

Apple Delivers BIG!!!

"From this day forward we're going to be known as Apple, Inc. We've dropped the computer from our name."

Today, Tuesday January 9 2007, is a day to remember. A revolution witnessed by few but to be experienced by all. A revolution on the front of cell phones. Something that’s sure to change our ideas, perceptions and wants in a cell phone – from this day on. Mark it down. Remember it. Today Apple again revolutionized our technological lives and the world.

Another milestone set!

What am I talking about really? Today, Steve Jobs introduced the world to the new age cell phone – the iPhone – or the Apple Phone. I followed the expo – even while at work (but don’t tell my boss) from beginning to end on engadget. Thank you engadget for that. I was just all over the place when the iPhone was announced. For those of you who have read my previous posts, you know how long I’ve been waiting for this device. One phrase comes to mind” We’re not worthy…we’re not worthy!.”

Here are some initial specifications on the iPhone - an iPod, iPhone and internet mobile communicator. I will give you a guys more detailed one soon.

The unit comes in two sizes a 40GB model costing $499 and an 80GB costing $599 on a two year contract with AT&T Cingular, whom Apple has partnered with.

Hardware features:
• Built in Camera: 2 megapixels
• A headset jack, 3.5MM
• Sim tray, sleep-wake switch
• 3.5-inch screen with the highest resolution ever shipped by Apple 160ppi
• 11.6MM thin (thinner than the Motorola Q and Blackberry)
• WiFi and Bluetooth 2.0
• Quad Band: GSM + EDGE
At the bottom:
• Speaker
• Mic Input
• iPod Connector

Software features:
• iPhone runs OS X
• Uses Safari browser
• iChat like interface with multiple SMS session support
• has everything we need: multi tasking, networking, Power management, , graphics, security, video, audio core animation
• all media including Music, Video, Contacts, Calenders, Photos, Notes, Bookmarks, Email Accounts
• Absolutely no buttons: uses a new multi-touch technology patented by Apple which is supposed to be “far more accurate than any other interface ever shipped”
• “We've also got some stuff you can't see -- 3 advanced sensors. It's got a proximity sensor, bring the iPhone to your ear and your display shuts off and toushccreen shuts down. Ambient light sensor -- adjusts brightness, saves power. Third thing is an accellerometer, it can tell whether you're in landscape and portraid. Let's turn it on."
• "It connects to any POP3 or IMAP email -- Yahoo Mail, MS Exchange, Mac Mail... POP3: Gmail, AOL mail, and most ISPs... let's highlight one, Yahoo mail. Today we are announcing Yahoo will offer free push-IMAP email to iPhone customers. This isn't just IMAP, this is push-email, same as a BlackBerry."

Also announced today was the Apple TV which is going to cost $299. Not much emphasis was placed on this device, however, but it is a remarkable one.

For a more detailed review of today’s Expo visit engadget’s link Live from MacWorld 2007

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