Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Materazzi talks...

The world cup has been done for about 2 months now and just as long since we talked about "The headbutt felt around the world"

There were lots of questions and little to no answers as to why Zinedine Zidane headbutted Marco Materazzi of Italy in what turned out to be the final game of his (zidane's) career.

In a BBC article today - Materazzi breaks Zidane silnce - Marco Materazzi finally gives a little insight into what was said. He said: "I was tugging his shirt, he said to me 'if you want my shirt so much I'll give it to you afterwards,' I answered that I'd prefer his sister." [quote from BBC article]. With a name like Marco, what else could we expect.

Zidane today has still not said exactly what was said to him which forced this action from him. But we still wait for his word...maybe another two months...maybe.

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