Saturday, September 09, 2006

Journalists help spread propaganda

I was alerted to an article from a post on one of my favourite and regularly read blogs Citizen Against Lies, hosted by Shelly. I recommend you check it out - it's really good, unless you're a hard core Republican. The blog post is about journalist from Miami who were paid by the US government to spread lies and propaganda about Fidel Castro and Cuba. For Shame. For shame I say.

Those journalists worked as regulars and freelancers for Radio and TV Martí - two "U.S. government programs created to promote democracy and freedom in Cuba." Their programs are not broadcasted in the US but in Cuba because of U.S. anti-propaganda laws. How could they allow them to sordid the good name of Marti by spreading their slanderous, propaganderous filth?

There are several things wrong with this. Firstly, it's against US law to spread propaganda in the U.S., yet still they would fund and finance activities which they find clearly illegal and unconstitutional. Ask yourself why. Then this brings to question if they can infiltrate and manipulate these journalists, who else have they gotten to? Have all those reports that we have seen and heard on those other media also sawyed by some blind or rather hidden hand? Has what we heard all along true and accurate?

Among those mentioned are Alfonso, Connor, Cancio, Cossio, Montaner, Cao, Remos, Claro, Ferre and Crespo. For shame - how could you sell out that way?

You can read the article here 10 Miami journalists take U.S. pay

Only two of these journalists have been fired. They should all be fired. We trust that the news and reports these guys and gals deliver and fair, true and unbiased, but this brings this to question.

What else has gone on? Who else has been paid to feed us mis and wrong information?

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