Sunday, February 17, 2008

Format War is Over: Blu-ray Triumphs

According to an article from Mac Rumors - Toshiba To Stop HD DVD Player - citing Reuters, HD-DVD has stopped production of their HD-DVD player, symbolizing their throwing in their towel in the battle of formats.

As most of us have suspected - it's Blu-ray!

With announcements by Warner, support by Wal-Mart and Netflix for Blu-Ray means that that format has effectively garnered enough support to make them the dominate format. And with the porn industry going for blu-ray over HD the winner seemed obvious from then.

In addition, "Apple has been a member of the Blu-ray consortium's board of directors since 2005, but has not publicly announced their Blu-ray plans." Silently throwing its support behind Blu-ray and with the war practically over, we can expect to see Blu-ray players in future Mac products.

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