Monday, December 15, 2008

Virgin unveils next-gen broadband

In a story by the BBC News - Virgin unveils next-gen broadband we see the first step in higher speed broadband connection being brought to the consumer.

"Virgin Media has launched its new 50 Megabits per second (Mbps) domestic broadband service."

This has implications on the net neutrality issue, where we have already seen early backers of neutrality - Google, Miscrosoft, Amazon - back away from it and in favour of a more tiered system. Even the tech advisors to Obama who supported neutrality early on are gradually singing a new tune.

I like the idea of higher speed broadband connections and think that much of today's limited use and integration of the net at home has to do with the horribly slow speeds that cable and internet companies provide. Not any company specific speed but the general download/upload speed of the internet.

If a certain company who's name is that of a fruit, were to implement such a high speed broadband, utilizing it with its full range of products would be, well, truly wonderful. Not that it would limit content from others, but rather because of synergy with it's products and those meeting standard and similar specifications, means that such could flow at far higher speeds than delivered today, outside of Virgin.

Movie downloads/streams, game streams, large chunks of data between universities and other institutions of learning, specific b2b content....all can be done quicker and more secure.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Phone calls on your iPod Touch

As reported by the BBC "Wireless Turns iPod into a phone" and confirmed from the website, Truphone now has technology that allows 2nd Gen iPod Touch users to make calls to other iPod Touch users and Google Talk users over wi-fi - for FREE.

There's no phone bill or over the limit fees. Their aim is to make the software able to make calls to land lines, skype and other type of services within weeks. This could mean massive savings for persons who use their mobiles heavily and are constantly going over their limits. It could also mean huge savings if this software allows us to make international and long distance calls as well.

"There are a slew of new features we're rolling out for the iPod Touch that will let users call landlines, Skype users or send instant messages. We're talking weeks, not months, before these go live."

So no having to wait months for this. This would mean that this is just as good as having an actual iPhone. Well, with the one limitation that you need a wi-fi connection to be able to use this service. But it's impressive nonetheless. Though I have not tried it out yet, I think the question remains as to the quality of those calls. Is it just as good as making a regular call using the cell towers and other technology or is it choppy and bad like you would expect from most software of this type in their early stages? Let's see.

Truphone is software that you can download freely from their website and install on your mobile device which helps you save on calls by routing them over the internet. Similar to skype, let's wait to see if the voice quality is just as good. Amazing stuff. Another challenge to the phone companies. Now let's just wait for Apple to deleverage themselves from AT&T and we should be good. For now.

iTunes Free Open University

More Free Stuff on iTunes. Learning lessons for FREE!

Thanks to the guys at 9to5Mac for bringing this one to our attention. The iTunes store now has a free open university where you can go download amazing informational stuff. It's great. I checked it out and have downloaded a few myself, all within my first 5 minutes.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Linux on the iPhone

Linux has been installed on the iPhone. Check out the vid.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

MacBook Wheel and iMac Wheel!!

Is this Apple's latest product? It's just One Button! It knows intuitively what you want to do. No Keyboard...No Mouse...Just One Button!

Friday, September 05, 2008

iPhone IM with Multiple Platforms

Thanks to the guys from 9to5Mac for this story.

"The award-winning IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger for chats within AIM / iChat, MSN / Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo!, ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk and MySpaceIM from any iPhone and iPod Touch.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

iPhone/iPod touch PwnageTool 2.0.3 ships

Thanks to the guys at 9to5Mac for first publishing this story on their blog.

The PwnageTool 2.0.3 for the iPhone/Touch is now available for jailbreaking but not unlocking the new iPhone 3G and the iPod Touch.

"PwnageTool 2.0.3 is available," the developers reveal on their blog. "This version provides support for iPhone/iPod firmware 2.0.2 5C1, it has an updated beta (b6) and contains a new .de localization for our large amount of German friends."

Read the rest of the article here at 9to5Mac.

Monday, August 25, 2008

an iPhone for-the-rest-of-us: the Nuvifone

Apple did it wrong by partnering only with AT&T with the iPhone. AT&T's pricing plan is a pure rip-off, if you ask me. Their plan cost is totally unjustifiable...poor AT&T customers. Just a mild comparison $39.99 with T-Mobile gives you 1000 minutes with AT&T for the $54 you get 450 minutes.

But along comes the Touch Phone for the rest of us. And by the rest of us, I mean those of us who don't want to go through the troubles of 'unbricking' or 'jailbreaking 'or 'pwnage tools' any of those other crazy tech terms, to use our phone.


The Nuviphone is the new touch-screen phone, with some similar features (3-in-1 device) to the iPhone by Garmin, the guys who bring us our GPS service. So far the camera, a 3 mega pixel camera, is better than that in the iPhone, plus it includes a built-in video camera. Although full details have not been given out yet, neither the cost, the Nuviphone does hold plenty of promise.

See the article - Who Dares Call Garmin's Nuviphone an iPhone-Killer? - for more info.

So far I have seen a few benefits of this unit over the iPhone:
1. a GPS service brought to you by the guys who do GPS best.
2. "Where-am-I" feature which lets the user know their exact latitude and longitude co-ordinates... among others.

Let's wait and see how this new promise unfolds.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Cause of the world food crisis

I am sure you have heard by now the fears voiced by both the IMF and The World Bank about the massive increase in poverty numbers around the world sue to the rise in food prices.

There have been riots in several countries already. An approaching problem...we see it coming. We see it clearly.

In the BBC article Castro in new biofuel attacks,and recently updated, making mention of a second paper written by Fidel Castro, he talked of one of the causes of the rise in food prices. Biofuels. In the paper, as mentioned in the article, he criticized the US policy on biofuels and said such a policy would contribute to the rise in food prices for instead of using the production to feed the worlds poor and hungry, it would go instead to make energy. The sale of this produce would directly compete with the need to feed the world's people and so drive up prices.

So said, so done. In a recent article - "World Bank echoes food cost alarm" - the rise of food prices have been partially attributed to biofuels. Similar reasonings have been echoed by the sister organization - the IMF.

""Less insular biofuels policy in advanced economies would help relieve some pressure"" IMF chief economist Simon Johnson.

Update: July 6-2008
In an article about a Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis highlighted by the Guardian talks of the rise in global food prices and the cause of the of the current food crises is the result of the drive for bio-fuels by the EU and the US. This report was carried out by "an internationally-respected economist at global financial body."

"Senior development sources believe the report, completed in April, has not been published to avoid embarrassing President George Bush."

Of Worthy note I find from the article are among its findings that the drive for biofuels are responsible for the rise in the global food crisis, raising food prices up by 75%. This confirmation of what others have been saying, and have been ignored, should be addressed and we need to know how the findings of this report will be used.

"Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75% - far more than previously estimated - according to a confidential World Bank report obtained by the Guardian."

With the number of global poor persons being increased due to this crisis means that it has already caused a set back in the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). How long have we been set back remains to be seen? How long will it take the authorities to react to this report also remains to be seen?

"Rising food prices have pushed 100m people worldwide below the poverty line, estimates the World Bank, and have sparked riots from Bangladesh to Egypt. Government ministers here have described higher food and fuel prices as "the first real economic crisis of globalisation".

This leads to the question: did they seriously consider the side-effects of such an initiative? While this is a very good attempt to combat climate change, if the strategies are not well thought out they may actually do more harm than good.

The article concludes of bio-fuel approach "said Dr David King, the government's former chief scientific adviser, last night. "All we are doing by supporting these is subsidising higher food prices, while doing nothing to tackle climate change." In the meantime "people in poor countries cannot afford to eat."

Thursday, March 06, 2008

iPhone SDK

Watch the video and see for yourself the wonderful and amazing things to come from the iPhone.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New MacBook and MacBook Pro

Thanks for the heads up by MacRumors, as reported Apple has released their latest updates to the MacBook and MacBook Pros with the new Intel Penryn Chip. These new models include the Multi-Touch technology featured in the iPhone, Touch and the new MacAir.


$1099. Macbook 13" 2.1GHz / 1GB / 120GB / Combo / White
$1299. Macbook 13" 2.4GHz / 2GB / 160GB / Super / White
$1499. Macbook 13" 2.4GHz / 2GB / 250GB / Super / Black

MacBook Pro

$1999. Macbook Pro 15" 2.4GHz / 2GB / 200GB 5400RPM / 256MB Vram
$2499. Macbook Pro 15" 2.5GHz / 2GB / 250GB 5400RPM / 512MB Vram
$2799. Macbook Pro 17" 2.5GHz / 2GB / 250GB 5400RPM / 512MB Vram

The new models are now available at the Apple Store.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Format War is Over: Blu-ray Triumphs

According to an article from Mac Rumors - Toshiba To Stop HD DVD Player - citing Reuters, HD-DVD has stopped production of their HD-DVD player, symbolizing their throwing in their towel in the battle of formats.

As most of us have suspected - it's Blu-ray!

With announcements by Warner, support by Wal-Mart and Netflix for Blu-Ray means that that format has effectively garnered enough support to make them the dominate format. And with the porn industry going for blu-ray over HD the winner seemed obvious from then.

In addition, "Apple has been a member of the Blu-ray consortium's board of directors since 2005, but has not publicly announced their Blu-ray plans." Silently throwing its support behind Blu-ray and with the war practically over, we can expect to see Blu-ray players in future Mac products.

Apple outdoes Phone operators

"...the best recent advance in the mobile telecommunications user space came not from a mobile telecom company but from Apple Inc. — the iPhone."


Once again we see that where-ever the genius of Apple Inc. decides to tread they will do much better than those who have been there for years. Can you imagine the millions in R&D those other guys have spent in that area already? And Apple just entered the arena and have in the first move, out done them. Leads me to question, what the hell have those guys been doing?

Be careful that Apple does not enter the dating scene as well 'cause there will be a sudden surge in demand for singles bars. I'm telling you...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MacBook Air Ad

My Highlights from MacWorld '08

*Airport Extreme with Hard Drive
- 500GB: $299
- 1TB: $499
- ships in February
- works with Time Capsule: the cousin to Time Machine
- can be used to back up all macs in the househol ... wirelessly

*New Apps added to the iPod Touch:

Maps, Mails, Notes, Stock and Weather. These are cool apps that take the Touch steps closer to being an iPhone. I'd definitely consider getting an Touch now and keeping my Blackberry iPearl.

*iTunes Movie Rentals
Steve announced iTunes movie rentals, confirming the many rumours. Touchstone, Miramax, MGM, Lionsgate, Newline, FOx, WB, Disney, Paramount, Universal, Sony all on board. All of the major studies seem to be onboard which is great news.

Movie rentals can be played back anywhere - PCs, Mac, Ipods as well as the iPhone - within 30 seconds for those with broadband connections. That's remarkably fast.

New movie releases cost $3.99 while existing library titles cost $1 less ($2.99). Over 600 TV shows at $1.99. The renter has 30 days to start viewing a movie, once started, it can be viewed for up to 24 hours.

iPhone Updates
Customizable screens
GPS location
Support for lyrics
Multiple SMS
Chapters, subtitles, Languages

iTunes Movie Rentals launces today

*Apple TV Take 2
The latest version of Apple TV - dubbed Apple TV TAke 2 - does not require a computer. Movies are rented straight from the unit and are all DVD quality and HD + Dolby 5.1

Apple TV Take 2 features
- no computer required
- DVD quality and HD + Dolby 5.1
- Podcasts (audio and video)
- photos
- syncs with iTunes
- HD rentals: $4.99
- movies can be previewed
- mild social aspect where you can view the rentals of other persons who have rented that movie.
- Allows purchasing of music
- You can watch YouTube Videos directly on your widescreen
- Price drop from $299 to $229

*4th Thing: There's something in the air
MacBook Air - "The World's Thinnest Notebook"
So thin it fits in a manila envelop.

Some Features:
- only 3lbs
- 0.16"
- 13.3" widescreen
- Multi-Touch trackpad
- backlit LED display
- built-in isight
- macbook like keyboard with ambient light sensor
- standard 80 GB HD
- 2 GB Memory
- 1.8"Hard DRive
- 1.6 GHz standard: 1.8 GHz optional
- Intel Core 2 Duo
- 1 USB 2.0 port
- Micro-DVI
- 45 Watt MagSafe
- 802.11N + Bluetooth 2.1/EDR
- 5 hours of battery life
- Price $1799

...ships in two weeks.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bill Gates' Last Day at Microsoft

Stock markets almost crash on news that Bill Gates was stepping down from day -to-day operations as chairman of Microsoft.

Check out the vid.

Mac Ad: Time Machine