Friday, October 19, 2007

Mac OSX Leopard Tour Guide

Apple has posted a video tour guide to the soon-to-be-releazed Mas OS X 10.5 aka Leopard on their website.

Check it out - tour guide.

With only 6 days left till official launch, you can pre-order yours today.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New Mac Book Pro on Friday?

Rumour on The Street is that Apple will be releasing a newer, sleeker version of the 15" MacBook Pro along side the launch of the new OSX - Leopard on Friday, October 26th.

Check out the video clip.

You heard it here second.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Yahoo Mail

I logged in tonight, like I do every night, to check my mail. When I got to my Yahoo mail, I was surprised. Yahoo has updated their mail program and it looks really good.

From initial preview it seems more organized and looks better than the previous mail that they offered. One of the new features in this upgraded mail program is the ability to chat with windows (msn) users right from within your mail window. This feature can be seen to be similar with Google's chat program except that Google chat only allows you to chat with Google chat users.

Bringing the founder back was indeed a good move by Yahoo. Not only has the mail been improved, but so has their aggression towards paid ads on their site. This means that their earnings will only go up.

In a BBCNews article "Google dominates world search" shows Yahoo in a distant second place at 8.5 billion searches behind Google's 37 billion. Expect these numbers to be closer together at the next posting of these search results.

There is life yet in Yahoo.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Check This

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Valued Exposure: Argentinean born Cuban revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara during the battle of Santa Clara. 8th October marks the 40th anniversary of execution in the Bolivian village of La Higuera. Photo: Keystone/Getty Images

Image taken from

Tribute to Che

The memory of Latin American Marxist revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara is being honoured in Cuba 40 years after his capture and summary execution."

This is how the BBC article opened, reporting on the ceremony celebrating the life of the Argentine-born, honorary Cuban Revolutionary Hero. His face is the most widely and easily recognizable face on print and is able to sell anything from buttons, to mugs to t-shirts.

The ideals and the fantasy of Che has indeed captured and inspired the hearts and minds of many people, both young and old, for many years now and continue to do so even to this very day. An ideal of standing up against oppressors in a fight for the common man.

Some of the countries celebrating Che Guevara are Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela. The Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez referred to Che as an "infinite revolutionary" while in a message from Fidel Castro he was described as an "exceptional soldier."

The revolutionary hero / freedom fighter was killed in Bolivia during an attempt to liberate that country. His death marked the end of a brand of being that is yet to be seen today. His body may have been stopped short, but his ideals and image lives on. I am reminded by the line "a missile is not invented that can kill an ideal" ... neither is a bullet.

Che Guevara

Blu-Ray inside...Really?!?!

9 to 5 Mac reports that blu-ray discs are finally available for Macs. The lines supported include MacBook Pros, iMac Intel, iMac G5, Mac Mini, PowerBook line iMacs among others.

However, this does come with a $1000 pricetag attached...chi-ching. A disc almost the price of the the 15" iMac. I don't know. But we'll see how desperate consumers are to have blu-rays units to cough out that price.

The units are being offered by Fastmac, who are offering options of 50GB discs, and not by Apple themselves. This leaves questions of warranty issues up the air, for now.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

New iPhone Ads

Click on the links below to see the three new iPhone ads posted today by Apple.

Doug "Mankind"

Elliot "Meredith

Stephano "One Thing"