Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The future is here and it's not an iPhone

This is a really funny parody by the guys at SarcasticGamer.

Check it out. It's a big Ass table

Cuba Trains US Doctors

The BBC has published the story of 8 US students who graduated as doctors from a rather unlike place - Cuba.

Fidel Castro, in an agreement with members of Washington Congressional Black Caucus, allowed 6 US students to study medicine at Havana University, one of the best medical schools in the world. The Caucus has to approach and implore then Secretary of State Collin Power to lift the US ban on travel to allow the student to travel. Thank you Mr. Powell.

After 6 years of study the students are now full fledged doctors and have now graduated. What did this cost and who, how much? I assume it was all Free! Hard to believe that a 6 year medical degree could be Free when in the US the same could run you well into the hundreds of thousands.

What is Cuba doing differently - that a poor, small Caribbean island could train people in a high demand and highly expensive field for Free? questions...questions. they're obviously doing something right.

As part of the agreement, the 6 young Doctor graduates are to return to their community to provide low-cost healthcare. Low-Cost health care in the US?

According to US officials right now there are over 80 US students studying in the the island nation. But some are already saying this is a propaganda coup by the island....but what else could it be?!

Read the article here

Congratulations to you Graduates. Well Done!!! Well Done!!! Go forth

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Apple Record Label?

Going around the rumour mill since April 2007 is that Apple is about to embark on a "super label" run by rapper Jay-Z and Beyonce.

According to an 'industry insider' said that "it's a done deal."

[Jay-Z and Beyonce] will move to Apple to run a new music division. It sounds rather incredible: [Jay-Z's] already got a pretty good job, running Def Jam, and [Steve] Jobs may be too smart to get into the tanking recording business (as others have said). Of course, if it is true, my guess is this would be a new, revamped record biz, one based on digital distribution, not boring old physical products.

What would this mean? Well I can see a whole new money source for Apple. They may be setting a whole new area for music and recording artists. Gone maybe the days of mass CD promotions and ushered in here is digital music, led by a "super label" - not of of new comers, but of two highly successful, young and seasoned persons within the industry. It's a very smart move and is being led by one of the greatest and youngest leaders in the industry right now. Jay-Z is currently at the head of Def-Jam records and has artists such as Rihanna who has been topping the UK charts with her recent single "Umbrella."

Keep in mind that this is still rumoured, like all things Apple. I'll be posting more.