Friday, June 22, 2007

The Secret of the iPhone's Right Side

For any of you, or the many of you, who have noticed that in every photo and even in the "iPhone: A Guided Tour" - the right side of the iPhone has never been shown. In the Tour video the presenter mentions the left side, the top and the bottom, but omits the right side.

Most all smart phones, even the not-so-smart phones have function buttons on the right side. What is on the right side of the iPhone?

Today I had a chat with an Apple rep. and I posed the question to her. Her response, "we'll just have to wait and see." What do you think is there?

If any of you guys who are reading this know, please fill me in.


Anonymous said...

You certainly raise an interesting point. The phone does have more "stuff" on it than original thought...for example, people are still doubting the SIM card slot because it is rather nicely covered by a silver rubber(?) cover with just a pinhole for access. Personally, I'm looking forward to the side volume control. I never particularly liked having to share volume with all the rest of the controls on the iPod. As to what is on the right side, well, it must be SOMETHING because that is the best side for right-handers to use controls. The volume can be accessed with the left thumb and held with the left hand, which leaves a lot of interface possibilities.

Prisoner 3859 said...

You're right, Chalres about the SIM card. s of now, even the Apple reps are not giving much information. Either because they don't know themselves (which is questionable, considering the rumors of training in preparation for the launch, or they are forbidden to give out too much info. I asked about the SIM card too and the rep was reluctant.

From the Guided Tour Video, I can clearly see the presenter's thumb on something. But they have not said.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, it looks like there is nothing on the right side. I checked out the 360 degree view, which is not new content on but I had forgotten about, and it plainly shows nothing there. Check it out:

Hey, that doesn't mean we can't go on and speculate on lots of other stuff, though!

Prisoner 3859 said...

You appear to be correct, there are no buttons on the right as shown on the 3-D image. But the image also does not show the SIM slot. So what does that mean?