Thursday, May 31, 2007

Microsoft's the Surface Computer

Microsoft unveils the Surface Computer. I must say that this is the first product of real promise that I have seen from Microsoft since Windows 98. In the video clip I posted, I noticed that Microsoft is going the Apple way by having their CEO, Bill Gates, introduce the product. But from all initial views the product does look promising.

Also Surface uses touch technology similar to that found in the iPhone. But being a table computer, it's frightening to think of the especial care which has to be taken with it. No drinks at the table - ever.

It's obvious that microsoft is just still copying from Apple. They said that this product was kept a secret. Need I say more?

But despite the obvious attempts by microsoft to copy Apple in all possible ways, check out the product. It looks good. Visit microsoft's site and also "More Hidden Details..." for more information on this product.

Check out the video clip below.
The Surface Computer

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