Thursday, May 31, 2007

Microsoft's the Surface Computer

Microsoft unveils the Surface Computer. I must say that this is the first product of real promise that I have seen from Microsoft since Windows 98. In the video clip I posted, I noticed that Microsoft is going the Apple way by having their CEO, Bill Gates, introduce the product. But from all initial views the product does look promising.

Also Surface uses touch technology similar to that found in the iPhone. But being a table computer, it's frightening to think of the especial care which has to be taken with it. No drinks at the table - ever.

It's obvious that microsoft is just still copying from Apple. They said that this product was kept a secret. Need I say more?

But despite the obvious attempts by microsoft to copy Apple in all possible ways, check out the product. It looks good. Visit microsoft's site and also "More Hidden Details..." for more information on this product.

Check out the video clip below.
The Surface Computer

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Apple TV

I'm excited that Youtube videos, including all the subscription channels, will be available on Apple TV. [read the article] But it's disappointing that there are no hi-def content available on iTunes or YouTube for the Apple TV. So much of the ability of this device is not being used.

Another thing I'm excited about is the fact that the Apple TV will be coming with a 160GB hard drive. Yes, it's going to cost you $399 but that's only around $100 more from the first Apple TVs, but then those only came with a 40GB hard drive.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Joost Goes Online

I just read through the BBC Article "Joost Opens Online, that Joost has finally been released to the general public today May 1, 2007.

While before there were only a limited number of invitations that users could send out, with its release means that users now have unlimited invitations. However, getting Joost can still only be got through invitation.

In my last post I mentioned the fact that I finally got Joost to use but I didn't have a Mac running on an intel chip to work it. I have since bought an iMac which should get to me in a couple days. As soon I do this is the first program that's going on there so I could finally get to check it out.

For those of you who have an expressed an interest in me sending you an invitation, let me know, I will be happy to send one your way. Just let me know the email and what platform you use - Mac or Windows or Linux.

A number of programmers seemed to have shown an interest in Joost. I believe that it has great potential and I am still trying to find that hack for the Apple TV that I heard about that allows streaming through it to the Television. With the high programming through Joost, it should be amazing to view this back on a television using the Apple TV.