Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Where's My iPod Video?!

No one seems to be mentioning the fact that Steve Jobs failed to introduce the new Video iPod. I've been waiting for months now for the release of this model and was kinda expecting Apple to make the announcement at the WWDC 2006. But it never came. We were also expecting an upgrade to the iPod Nano. That too didn't happen. In fact I don't think any mention was made of the iPod. Where's my iPod Video?

There were other disappointments also. There was no Apple iPhone which was highly rumoured to be released. How good are those rumoured websites anyways? Lately nothing they forsee or rumour to come true does.

We all heard of talks with Apple's Steve Jobs and motion picture execs on possible deals for Apple to sell movies on I.T.M. So the rumours about the true video iPod was very credible. So I am disappointed that it was not released and now wonder how long will I have to wait. Where's my iPod Video? How long will I have to wait Steve? I told lots of people that we would be getting a true video iPod. "Don't make a fool out of me man...don't make a fool out of me!"

I still wait...

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