Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Apple's new iSomething

Remember this...

This September Apple will (probably) be releasing a new version of something. Lots of analyst have predicted it to be a tablet PC of some sort. Some have gone as far as saying it's going to be a 6-inch screen device and a second one with a larger screen (9to5mac). Others have guestimated the price at starting around $679 (BusinessWeek)There are even moc images of what the device will look like.

Some of those enthusiastic persons may be close to the whatever it is as some of them have been right in the past. But knowing how ultra secretive Apple is we all can only guess what what this new thingy will be.

We hope that's it's not going to be just a big-ass iPod Touch. And even if it were, it would still be friggin awesome. We're not expecting something revolutionary but something extraordinary (hopefully). While the earnings potential and and cult following of this device all hangs on what exactly it is, we're all anticipating something super cool. Look out for it. Apple's new iSomething, coming very soon.