Tuesday, August 26, 2008

iPhone/iPod touch PwnageTool 2.0.3 ships

Thanks to the guys at 9to5Mac for first publishing this story on their blog.

The PwnageTool 2.0.3 for the iPhone/Touch is now available for jailbreaking but not unlocking the new iPhone 3G and the iPod Touch.

"PwnageTool 2.0.3 is available," the developers reveal on their blog. "This version provides support for iPhone/iPod firmware 2.0.2 5C1, it has an updated Installer.app beta (b6) and contains a new .de localization for our large amount of German friends."

Read the rest of the article here at 9to5Mac.

Monday, August 25, 2008

an iPhone for-the-rest-of-us: the Nuvifone

Apple did it wrong by partnering only with AT&T with the iPhone. AT&T's pricing plan is a pure rip-off, if you ask me. Their plan cost is totally unjustifiable...poor AT&T customers. Just a mild comparison $39.99 with T-Mobile gives you 1000 minutes with AT&T for the $54 you get 450 minutes.

But along comes the Touch Phone for the rest of us. And by the rest of us, I mean those of us who don't want to go through the troubles of 'unbricking' or 'jailbreaking 'or 'pwnage tools' any of those other crazy tech terms, to use our phone.


The Nuviphone is the new touch-screen phone, with some similar features (3-in-1 device) to the iPhone by Garmin, the guys who bring us our GPS service. So far the camera, a 3 mega pixel camera, is better than that in the iPhone, plus it includes a built-in video camera. Although full details have not been given out yet, neither the cost, the Nuviphone does hold plenty of promise.

See the article - Who Dares Call Garmin's Nuviphone an iPhone-Killer? - for more info.

So far I have seen a few benefits of this unit over the iPhone:
1. a GPS service brought to you by the guys who do GPS best.
2. "Where-am-I" feature which lets the user know their exact latitude and longitude co-ordinates... among others.

Let's wait and see how this new promise unfolds.