Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MacBook Air Ad

My Highlights from MacWorld '08

*Airport Extreme with Hard Drive
- 500GB: $299
- 1TB: $499
- ships in February
- works with Time Capsule: the cousin to Time Machine
- can be used to back up all macs in the househol ... wirelessly

*New Apps added to the iPod Touch:

Maps, Mails, Notes, Stock and Weather. These are cool apps that take the Touch steps closer to being an iPhone. I'd definitely consider getting an Touch now and keeping my Blackberry iPearl.

*iTunes Movie Rentals
Steve announced iTunes movie rentals, confirming the many rumours. Touchstone, Miramax, MGM, Lionsgate, Newline, FOx, WB, Disney, Paramount, Universal, Sony all on board. All of the major studies seem to be onboard which is great news.

Movie rentals can be played back anywhere - PCs, Mac, Ipods as well as the iPhone - within 30 seconds for those with broadband connections. That's remarkably fast.

New movie releases cost $3.99 while existing library titles cost $1 less ($2.99). Over 600 TV shows at $1.99. The renter has 30 days to start viewing a movie, once started, it can be viewed for up to 24 hours.

iPhone Updates
Customizable screens
GPS location
Support for lyrics
Multiple SMS
Chapters, subtitles, Languages

iTunes Movie Rentals launces today

*Apple TV Take 2
The latest version of Apple TV - dubbed Apple TV TAke 2 - does not require a computer. Movies are rented straight from the unit and are all DVD quality and HD + Dolby 5.1

Apple TV Take 2 features
- no computer required
- DVD quality and HD + Dolby 5.1
- Podcasts (audio and video)
- photos
- syncs with iTunes
- HD rentals: $4.99
- movies can be previewed
- mild social aspect where you can view the rentals of other persons who have rented that movie.
- Allows purchasing of music
- You can watch YouTube Videos directly on your widescreen
- Price drop from $299 to $229

*4th Thing: There's something in the air
MacBook Air - "The World's Thinnest Notebook"
So thin it fits in a manila envelop.

Some Features:
- only 3lbs
- 0.16"
- 13.3" widescreen
- Multi-Touch trackpad
- backlit LED display
- built-in isight
- macbook like keyboard with ambient light sensor
- standard 80 GB HD
- 2 GB Memory
- 1.8"Hard DRive
- 1.6 GHz standard: 1.8 GHz optional
- Intel Core 2 Duo
- 1 USB 2.0 port
- Micro-DVI
- 45 Watt MagSafe
- 802.11N + Bluetooth 2.1/EDR
- 5 hours of battery life
- Price $1799

...ships in two weeks.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bill Gates' Last Day at Microsoft

Stock markets almost crash on news that Bill Gates was stepping down from day -to-day operations as chairman of Microsoft.

Check out the vid.

Mac Ad: Time Machine